Here are the resources associated with new dances that Ian and/or the band have been associated with.

Golden Hill Fort: (3×40 bar Strathspey)

Judy Valvona. For 3 couples in a triangular set numbered clockwise around the set.

1– 8

All three couples dance Grand chain back to place and finish facing partner.
9–16All three couples set and turn partner right hand, then set and turn corner left hand, finishing in original places with ladies facing out.
17-24All three couples Schiehallion Reels  finishing two places anticlockwise round the set, finish with ladies facing out.
25-36Men’s chain for three couples:
             25-26 Men LH across 2 places while ladies dance to partner’s place.
             27-28 Turn new person RH.
             29-36 Repeat twice more to original partner.
37-40The third couple in top place, with nearer hands joined, dance into centre, part and dance the lady between the second couple and the man between the first couple and back to place.

Devised by Judy Valvona on the occasion of the Isle of Wight Caledonian Society’s Platinum Anniversary, 2022

Golden Hill Fort 3 x 40 Strathspey Played by Ian R Muir

Golden Hill Fort 3 x 40 Strathspey: Vectis 70 (Ian R Muir), The Herra Boys (Pat Shuldham-Shaw), The Drampire (Freeland Barbour)

Teaching Tracks: (Introduction)

Bars 1 – 32 (intro)

Teaching Tracks (‘Ready And’)

Bars 1 – 32 (‘Ready and…’)
The Entrance to Golden Hill Fort today.

Golden Hill Fort Country Park 2023

Looking at the front of the fort . The Courtyard with its fountain is through the arch in the centre.
Looking through the entrance gate and arch into the courtyard. Fountain is in the central courtyard just visible through the gate.
The East side – entrance gate is visible on the right-hand side of this picture.

Golden Hill Fort Willow Sculpture.

More information about Golden Hill Fort (Wickipedia)

Please Note:

Wherever possible we have acknowledged the composer and publisher of the tunes used.